Customized Personal Results.

Finesse Fitness Training in Wallingford CT offers personalized one-on-one training with our expert trainers. Our team consists of excellent trainers with diverse backgrounds and expertise, including injury rehabilitation, transformative journeys, athletic training, comprehensive nutrition guidance, and more.

We believe in delivering results through our tailored training approach and will support you every step of the way towards achieving your goals.

Your trainer will be fully invested in your success, dedicated to helping you surpass limitations, unlock your true potential, and overcome physical challenges. Our trainers stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and scientific advancements, ensuring you receive the most effective training.


During your initial consultation, we will conduct a comprehensive fitness assessment, evaluate your lifestyle and nutrition, and have a detailed discussion about your fitness objectives and aspirations. The resulting program will be exclusively designed for you, enabling you to accomplish what you truly desire."

JOIN US AT Wallingford CT’S Best Kept Secret Personal Training Facility!

58 Capital Drive Wallingford CT, 06492